Tag Archives: wildlife

Bringer of Light

For millenia, ravenBringer of the Lights have enjoyed a reputation among many peoples, as a powerful totem.  They symbolize change, internal growth, introspection and various warnings.  My favourite though is the belief that they bring light to us, the people of the world.  Coincidentally, I saw a raven on Christmas Day, which inspired this raven who brings that gift in the form of an angel.  May Raven’s gift of Light bless you all this Christmas Season.

The Return of the Redpolls

All of a sudden my bird feeder is full of Redpolls and there’s not a chickadReturn of the Redpollsee or a nuthatch in sight!  Being irratic migrators, you never know for sure when they’ll show up, but they come in flocks when they do!  The subject of my painting is a little female, since she lacks the rosy colouring the males sport on their breast.  Now the only problem is to keep Possum from turning them into hors d’oeuvres.

Starry Night Bison

These days it’Starry Night Bisons so dark, and when it’s clear enough there are so many stars, which we we cling to for comfort.  For me, the season  conjures totemic images surrounded by darkness and light.  Today’s painting came with more struggle than usual.  Nothing seemed quite right to me till this bison came to mind. A sacred animal of First Nations People, he symbolizes abundance, and yet we see how vulnerable he was to our arrival on this continent.  Let us be ever mindful of our power to eradicate even such great power and abundance.

Today’s painting is #600 in my daily painting enterprise, which began on Jan 1, 2010.  It feels like quite a landmark, and that’s one reason I wanted to have a more symbolic painting than usual today.  I did miss a few days over the 2 years, and sometimes I posted photography, sometimes larger works I was creating, but mostly I managed to do a painting-a-day!  600 paintings and 50,000 hits on my blog really feels like an amazing feat.  I truly thank all of you who have come along with me, and I hope you’ll continue to do so.  Who knows where this is going?


Migrating Past the Moon

When I go to visit Polly, I have to go fairly early in the afternoon; the sun goes down about 4:30!  Yesterday as I watched, the sun went down and the moon came up as the geese circled and practiced their take-offs and landings in the river.  What a dramatic sight they make as they fly past a sliver of moon hanging in the darkening sky.

If you’d like to own this original watercolour, email Gena with your bid today! gena03@telusplanet.net Minimum bid $100 (plus gst and shipping). First bid, or highest bid wins the painting.