International Women’s Day

My future daughter-in-law emailed me this morning and reminded me that today is International Women’s Day.  I thought about that and decided to honour her, and all the other women of our armed forces.  This painting is from a photo taken of Carly at the ramp ceremonies @ Kandahar Airfield, of a fellow female medic, killed in action last year. Carly has her comrade’s beret.
Not only are we lucky enough as female persons, to have rights in this country, we are allowed to, and equipped and trained, to fight for them. Or do any other job we are capable of doing.  In a world that seems more hostile to women and children every day, we cannot take this for granted.
I want to thank all the strong, wise, adventurous and brilliant young (and not-so-young) women the world over who are striving to make our planet a better place to live. 

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