Category Archives: road trips

Side Trip 2

The little landscape I did a couple of days ago for this blog has continued to haunt me.  I kept thinking about it…the rhythm of the strips of yellow trees and undulating hills kept rolling through my head. I wanted to paint it again in a looser more impressionisitic way. So this time I didn’t do a drawing and I only allowed myself a flat brush, and I tried to do the minimum of layering.  Turns out it looks pretty much like the first one!  No matter what I do, I seem to do what I do!!

If you’d like to own this original watercolour, email Gena with your bid today! Minimum bid $100 (plus gst and shipping). First bid, or highest bid wins the painting.

Side Trip

Last week my parents came to stay, and since my dad grew up in the Cypress Hills, he loves to go for a drive out there.  So we did, and it was a golden fall day with the exquisite clear light we’re so blessed with in October (if it’s not snowing!!)
We took a side trip across from north of Elkwater, east to Eagle Butte  on our way home, and there was one stunning hillside after another.  This was one of them. Good thing we went when we did; it looks quite different this week!

If you’d like to own this original watercolour, email Gena with your bid today! Minimum bid $100 (plus gst and shipping). First bid, or highest bid wins the painting.

Sundown Barn

No painting for you today…too many projects happening and not enough time!  it felt really weird not to paint…or even DRAW today!  Instead lots of computer time, which I swear rots my brain!  
This photo is from my latest cross-country road trip…that gravel road I’d never taken before, which heads straight east at Rolling Hills and winds up in the middle of nowhere.  I love it.  And Look at the beautiful barn I found.  Remember this story next time you want to take the pavement instead of the gravel!

Shine on Harvest Moon

Last week, returning from the mountains, I took one of my favourite back roads; one that offers miles and miles of uninterrupted native prairie.  As I drove northeast, a pale pink disc peeked over the far, flat horizon, while at the same time the sun was setting on the far, flat southwest horizon. The moon was full and huge, as if attempting to compete with the sun, who was busy splashing everything in vivid tones of orange and pink.  It was quite a contest, and I was aware that though the mountains are stunningly beautiful, so is our prairie.

If you’d like to own this original watercolour, email Gena with your bid today! Minimum bid $100 (plus gst and shipping). First bid, or highest bid wins the painting.

The Long View @ Longview

If you’ve never been down the Cowboy Trail, this won’t look familiar. This is the iconic Alberta scene that one sees over and over in our ads and promos of the province.  Prairie gives way to foothills, which rise up to towering Rockies. Nowhere is this transition more dramatic than at the aptly named “Longview”.  Just north of that little town there is this incredible depth-of-field which defies pen and paint, but I had to try anyway.  Those who haven’t been there, it’s time for a road trip!

f you’d like to own this original watercolour, email Gena with your bid today! Minimum bid $100 (plus gst and shipping). First bid, or highest bid wins the painting.

Chain Lakes

This weekend was a celebration with my classmates of our graduation from nursing school many years ago (not saying how many!) We met in Banff and had 3 days of catching up and enjoying the last days of September in one of the most beautiful towns anywhere in the world.  I always like to check out the back roads, so today I took “The Cowboy Trail” from Turner Valley to Chain Lakes and then cut across country to home, gathering fabulous visuals and visits with even more friends. It took all day, so no painting….  Instead, this photo, taken about 25 miles west of Nanton,  of Chain Lakes and the Porcupine Hills stretching up to the Rockies.

Mystic Bison

Recently I posted a photo of Porter’s buffalo which this “daily” is inspired by, but I wanted to add a little symbolism to suggest the power of these incredible animals.  
The seven dots in the border represent the stars of the big dipper and the new moon is for possibilities. Representing the fragility of life and it’s beauty is the butterfly……..OR you can assign whatever meanings suggest themselves to you!

If you’d like to own this original watercolour, email Gena with your bid today! Minimum bid $100 (plus gst and shipping). First bid, or highest bid wins the painting.

Sweetgrass Pronghorn

Well I missed a day because of……a road trip!  And now, rather than a painting, you get a photo.  I took this a couple of hours ago, just north of the American border, on my way back from seeing the Charlie Russell watercolours at the CMRussell museum in Great Falls.  Wow, what a show, and  a nice little getaway! There’s nothing like a trip (even a short one) for priming the artistic pump and cranking up the enthusiasm for life.

Hail Mary

Our summer skies have an entirely different personality from winter, the cloud structure being the difference.  We never see these towering thunderheads in winter, nor the devastation of the hail that often comes hurling down out of them.  Still, they are breathtaking from a distance.  I love the roiling, sullen layers of navy blue, transforming up into creamy, billowing crowns of  purest white, with subtle variations of colour and light on every level.

If you’d like to own this original watercolour, email Gena with your bid today! Minimum bid $100 (plus gst and shipping). First bid, or highest bid wins the painting.

Meadowlark @ Writing-On-Stone

Bear with me people I got really close to a meadowlark down at Writing-on-Stone earlier this month.  Normally they won’t let you within a country mile, but this little guy just sat on his post and did that trilling chirrrp they do, and let me take as many photos as I wanted.  So brace yourselves,  you’ll be seeing more meadowlarks.  Did I say they’re my favourite bird?  

 If you’d like to own this original watercolour, email Gena with your bid today! Minimum bid $100 (plus gst and shipping). First bid, or highest bid wins the painting.